Transactions | 15.04.2024

MFW Fiałek advised Play on the acquisition of 100% shares in Miconet sp. z o.o.

We are pleased to announce that MFW Fiałek has advised Play Group on another transaction. This time, it was the acquisition of 100% shares in Miconet sp. z o.o.

Miconet operates as provider or intermediator of telecommunications services (including Internet access, digital telephony and TV) for entrepreneurs and consumers, as well as the construction, expansion and maintenance of telecommunications networks.

Our advice

Comprehensive legal advice in the transaction included i.e. among others, carrying out the due diligence review, drafting and negotiating the transaction documents and conducting the transaction closing.

The transaction team was led by Mirosław Fiałek – Partner, Mariusz Domagała – Senior Associate and Michał Kret – Senior Associate. The team also included, Paweł Siwiec – Senior Associate, Maksymilian Kulczycki – Associate, Mateusz Więckowski – Associate, Cezary Giziński – Associate, and Franciszek Furmaniak – Junior Associate and Jakub Wilk – Junior Associate.

The Play Group, part of the French Iliad Group, one of Europe’s largest telecommunications groups, is a leading provider of mobile services, fixed internet and digital TV in Poland.